10 things that high class escorts would never do Part II

Continuing to our first part on “Things High Class Escorts Would Never Do”


6. VIP escorts will absolutely never rush the bridge to their escort agency

Real high class escorts Dusseldorf understand that customer loyalty is the basis of their business. They also maintain good relationships within their escort agency so that they don’t sabotage their own earning potential.

Ultimately, the escort industry thrives on relationships and reputation.

What kind of escort girls Dusseldorf will build bridges to clients and other people in the industry? Only escorts who are looking for quick money and don’t care about the long term. These escort models create a bad reputation for themselves, so they have to become self-employed. They have a high churn rate and other VIP escorts are not willing to work with them. If an escort mentions that she doesn’t get along with other escorts or only sees new clients, then she is not a real high class escort and far from a real HCE escort.

A VIP escort always has regular customers. She comes highly and consistently recommended by people who work with her and are interested in building their reputation.


7. Our escorts will never flaunt their rum

It is a fact that elite escorts will make quite a bit of money during their escorting career. However, if she is the stylish kind of courtesan, she would never dream of flaunting it. She is confident and grateful for the money our guests give her; she does not need to boast about it for self-affirmation.

The ability to make big bucks is enough validation.

There is a certain elegance to the way a real high-class escort talks about money. They never point out the expensive clothes they wear or talk about their exclusive membership at the best gym in town. Real elegance shows who knows what is proper.

VIP Escort girls never allow themselves to be defined by their designer labels in order to make themselves superior to other people. Instead, they are grateful to be able to afford a luxurious and great lifestyle. If they are smart, they will also invest part of their wealth in assets that will make their retirement profitable, as will our escort girls Dusseldorf from HCE.

When it comes to money, high-class escort girls are also private and never reveal how much they earn and what their customers pay them, because as you know: You don’t talk about money. People can only speculate how much money she makes and indulges in her lifestyle. However, high end escorts tend to be reserved in their looks. You won’t be driving a Ferrari or wearing designer clothes with big labels, obviously. They prefer much simpler sophistication. Even though her clients are the nouveau riche, she chooses tasteful jewelry, lingerie and fashion styles to complement the affluent lifestyle and feel comfortable.

Escort is an industry that seems obsessed with money, but the issue of money and the transactional nature of bookings are never thrown in the client’s face. Dealing with money subtly and not obsessing over it makes our high-class escort girls elegant. Money screams, but wealth whispers. Their affluent clientele also admires the attitude of the HCE escorts and convinces them to stay exactly the way they are.


8. High class escorts will never tolerate bad behavior from the client

No matter how much a client pays for their time, a VIP escort will not give them the green light to misbehave. She does not tolerate rudeness, forceful behavior, aggression and abuse, even in the smallest ways. She knows her worth is more than the fee he pays and will live up to it.

An HCE escort can get out of a difficult situation at any time, even if the customer has already paid.

This is because a high class escort understands that she has no obligation to be mistreated!

Escorts who put up with disrespectful client behavior are not VIPs; they are desperate for money or have low self-esteem. They think that enabling customers will get them approval – on the contrary, it’s the opposite. These are the women that abusive clients target because they know that a high class escort of higher value will never put up with it.

An HCE Escorts Dusseldorf is a companion of great value – she offers first-class service to clients who value her. A client will always treat a high end escort with respect because she respects herself first.


9. HCE escorts will never get out of control

To be high-end, an escort requires discipline and the ability to say no to things that derail her. She shows restraint and knows how to behave appropriately at all times.

Again, context is key; A high class escort knows when to let go of control and become uninhibited to please her client and when not.

Escorts who do not belong to the elite do not know exactly this difference. This is the main difference.

An escort girl who does not belong to the HCE escort agency Dusseldorf will get out of control with her behavior, maybe she will engage in risky actions that will profoundly undermine her service.

Emotions are the main cause of getting “out of control”. It can be repressed emotions or an inability to process them in a healthy way. Escorts who are emotionally out of control don’t deal with it in a healthy way; they harm themselves and others who come into contact with them. Because of this, runaway escorts have a hard time retaining clients and their services are always inconsistent.


10. VIP escorts from HCE escort agency never waste time with negative attitudes

An HCE escort will never make negative comments about other people.

A real high class escort will not let a bad attitude / negativity rule their life.

A high-end escort will not tell you that you are “too positive”.

HCE courtesans understand that negative attitudes only drain her precious energy, energy that she can use to improve her own being. Her energy and time are resources that she can use to win and keep customers. To avoid negative attitudes, a high class escort will wake up grateful for the day ahead and go to bed grateful for what she has achieved.

It is this positive energy that customers find very appealing. Customers are flamboyant men who would never waste their time on misfortune.

You will see that our high-class escorts Dusseldorf are very grateful for everything that is given to her. Although she has a lot of money, she is grateful for every customer.

With such an attractive attitude, an elite escort maintains zest for life and bounce in each of these steps. She effortlessly attracts luck and money because everything in life starts with a positive attitude!
