Escort Hamburg with Julia Escort Model Hamburg
Escort Hamburg and “Oktoberfest” in the north German style: Escort Models Hamburg as a guest on the “fish head Wiesn”. Who said that you have to drive for real Oktoberfest mood down south? Nobody. The residents in the northern areas like Hamburg are often called “Fish Head” by the southern people.
The real northerners of the Escort Models Hamburg pay off the Bavarian pride with an Oktoberfest in copy. Of September 06 to October 13 there will be at various venues in Hamburg a lot of Bavarian beer, brass bands and specialties in counterfeit Oktoberfest atmosphere. The first place to be is the fish auction hall, near the headquarters of the High Class Escort Hamburg.
On Two weekend dates, the hall, according to organizer data, becomes the largest beer festival tent in northern Germany. The band “Thick & Thirsty” plays the right songs in Bavarian costumes. Sponsor of this event is the traditional brewery Erdinger.
For guests in costume and accompanied by an Escort Model Hamburg there are not only curious looks, but also a welcome gift. Another hotspot of the Nordic Oktoberfest Gaudi is the Hofbräuhaus Hamburg. On September 22 is the mandatory first keg is tapped by a prominent VIP of High Class Escort Hamburg.